Friday, January 30, 2009

Emma's Eyes

Emma is forever wanting us to take a picture of her doing this. We're not sure why.

Snow Day

This is what we came home to. Lots of cold weather and snow!

Quick Vacation

Mike and I took a quick vacation to Phoenix this month. Mike had a conference on real-estate investments (fun fun), so I tagged along. We stayed at the Arizona Biltmore. Fabulous. Our room was more like a condo w/ a private pool. Ahhhh, the life. Fortunately for us, it was an unseasonably warm 80 degrees the entire time we were there! My good friend from college, Sara, lives there so I was so excited to get to spend some time by the pool with her....having lunch and charging frilly drinks to our room. Wish I could've taken pics, but my camera is broken and spending some quality time with the Cannon people.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holiday Pics

With over 2 weeks off for Christmas break,
we had to keep busy. So, the girls
fingerpainted, played in the snow,
attended Libby's pre-school Christmas program,
and had a fabulous Christmas with our families!